Easy-Peasy Shredded Beef


Because who’s REALLY got extra time for cooking?


There’s something about fall.

It seems like time speeds up. Like super-fast crazy style.

And it seems like it happens to everyone.

We’ve been spending more time harvesting and preserving the garden.

Some of our neighbors have been making hay til all hours of the night.

Maybe you’re at the point where school and sports have started back up.

Any way you look at it - we all somehow have less time.

And at our house? Unless we plan ahead, dinner kind of gets put to the backburner this time of year. Until like 8PM. When we all realize we’re famished.

This recipe is PERFECT for those kind of days.

Super easy prep. Set it and forget it.

Best part?

It’s so delicious that my super-picky toddler ASKED for it. Four times. In one day.



  • Beef Roast - 2- 3 lb

  • Salt - enough for coating roast (4 tbsp)

  • Black Pepper - enough for coating roast (4 tbsp)

  • Beef Broth - 2-3 cups


  1. Set your Instant Pot to the Sauté setting.

  2. Mix your salt and black pepper together and then use the mixture to coat all sides of the roast. Be generous! This will form a delicious crust when it’s seared.

  3. Add 1 tbsp cooking oil to the Instant Pot and allow to get HOT.

  4. Place your roast into the Instant Pot and sear for one minute on each side. Remove from heat and place off to the side.

  5. Next, we deglaze the pan! Keep the Instant Pot Sauté setting on and add one cup of your beef broth to it. Use a whisk or spatula to scrape the bottom of the pan, getting all the brown bits off the bottom of the pan and incorporated into the broth.

  6. Place the roast back into the Instant Pot and cover.

  7. Cook for approximately 1.5 hour per pound of roast.

  8. Once done, shred the beef using forks or meat claw tools.


*I used an Instant Pot for this particular meal. You could easily use a skillet/frying pan for the searing portion and then a slow cooker for the rest.

*I actually had this go ALLLLL night in the slow cooker. Mostly because I didn’t get it going until about 7PM. It was amazing by morning. Like…my-toddler-and-I-had-two-helpings-for-breakfast level of amazing.


Your Guide to Beef Share Cuts