How to Break Down a Whole Chicken in Five Easy Steps


If you’re anything like me, you grew up buying your chicken at the grocery store.

Pre-cut. Pre-packaged. Ready to throw in the pan.

So when you see a whole chicken, you might feel a little confused…and intimidated…and grossed-out by the thought of cutting it apart.

I know I was.

The crazy thing is, it really isn’t hard once you learn. And you can get soooooo much versatility from one whole bird. It’s a skill worth learning.

Are you ready to break down how to break down a chicken? (I know. You’re here for the puns.)

Tools of the Trade:

*Kitchen knife - Make sure that you have a sharp kitchen knife. Dull knives are dangerous people - they’re more likely to slip and cut you in the process.

*Poultry Shears - These aren’t a necessity, but may be handy, especially for those who are a little unsure when it comes to handling kitchen knives.

*Cutting board

*Thawed whole chicken - Make sure to pat dry - this will make the bird easier to handle.

Step One - Remove the Legs (Thighs and Drumsticks)

Lay your chicken breast-side up on your cutting board. Gently pull a leg away from the body and cut through the skin that connects the leg to the torso. Next, continue pulling the leg away from the body, twisting downward. You should feel the leg bone pop out of its socket. At this point, cut through the joint to remove the leg. Repeat this process with the second leg.

Step Two (Optional) - Separate the Thigh from the Drumstick

Lay the leg skin-side down and cut along the fat line. This is a thin, white line of fat, separating the thigh muscles from the drumstick muscles. You’ll also cut through the connecting joint during this step.

Step Three- Separate the Wings

Gently pull the wing away from the chicken breast. Locate the joint and cut through it.

Step Four - Remove the Breasts

Holding the chicken breast upward, place your knife across the body cavity. Cut downward, slicing through the rib bones. This will separate the breasts and breastbone from the backbone section.

Be sure to keep the backbone section and use it for making stock or broth.

Step Five - Split the Breasts

Lay the breastbone section breast-down on your cutting board and carefully cut directly down, splitting the breastbone in half, leaving you with two breasts.

End Result

This will leave you with two drumsticks, two thighs, two wings, two breasts, and one backbone, all ready for your kitchen creations.

Practice this a few times and you’ll be a chicken break-down pro!


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