Maple Syrup
Let me guess. Your kids LOVE maple syrup on their waffles, right?
But you’re terrified of all those extra ingredients from your store-bought syrup?
Look no further! Our small-batch maple syrup is tapped, cooked, and finished here on the farm to bring you amazing syrup - and JUST syrup, with no extra additives. Get yours today!
Fun Fact: Our light and dark syrup are made exactly the same way - but they taste differently from each other!
Why? It all depends on the time of the season!
Our light syrup is from earlier in the season and has a lighter, more sugary flavor.
Our darker syrup is from later in the season and has a stronger maple flavor to it!
Let me guess. Your kids LOVE maple syrup on their waffles, right?
But you’re terrified of all those extra ingredients from your store-bought syrup?
Look no further! Our small-batch maple syrup is tapped, cooked, and finished here on the farm to bring you amazing syrup - and JUST syrup, with no extra additives. Get yours today!
Fun Fact: Our light and dark syrup are made exactly the same way - but they taste differently from each other!
Why? It all depends on the time of the season!
Our light syrup is from earlier in the season and has a lighter, more sugary flavor.
Our darker syrup is from later in the season and has a stronger maple flavor to it!
Let me guess. Your kids LOVE maple syrup on their waffles, right?
But you’re terrified of all those extra ingredients from your store-bought syrup?
Look no further! Our small-batch maple syrup is tapped, cooked, and finished here on the farm to bring you amazing syrup - and JUST syrup, with no extra additives. Get yours today!
Fun Fact: Our light and dark syrup are made exactly the same way - but they taste differently from each other!
Why? It all depends on the time of the season!
Our light syrup is from earlier in the season and has a lighter, more sugary flavor.
Our darker syrup is from later in the season and has a stronger maple flavor to it!